POLITICS / Collor de Mello impeachment

POLITICS / Collor de Mello impeachment; ITN BRAZIL: INT CMS Senator Fernando Cardoso (Social Democratic Party) intvwd SOF - The President's position is desperate now and he has no support / everybody knows he is guilty Sao Paolo: EXT GV City skyline PAN L-R MS Pedestrians across zebra crossing GV Front entrance to "Citibank" INT MS Dealers in Stock Exchange up escalator towards and past LMS People in opulent restaurant as fountain plays in f/g MS People in restaurant as food served EXT LMS Goats on hill overlooking city MS Man on horse drawn cart along street towards and past PAN R-L BV Ditto LMS People sweeping dingy street LMS Young boy carries bucket along dirty street towards CMS People standing in dirty street with baby CMS Small child in dirty street CS Man's hands washing clothes in bucket in street CMS SIDE Clothes being washed in bucket TMS Small boy on tricycle along street towards PULL OUT MS Group of men playing pool on table on sidewalk CS Man makes shot on pool table CS Notes being counted INT CMS SIDE Customer in shop handing over money ZOOM IN MS Luis Antonio Fleury (Governor, Sao Paolo) along chatting to another (not heard) TRACK BACK and PAN L-R CMS Luis Antonio Fleury (Governor, Sao Paolo) intvwd SOF (translated) - Inflation and unemployment are rising and the country may not be governable if this goes on / the Pres should resign for the sake of the country 2 SHOT Sao Paolo: CMS Female workers in electronic parts factory LMS Workers on production line ELEVATE CS Electronic parts on production line along PULL FOCUS as cap put on part CMS Woman on production line CMS SIDE People working on production line TMS Women working on line TRACK L-R EXT MS Workers out of factory along street towards CMS Leaflets distributed to workers MS Workers being addressed by man with microphone on street (not heard) CMS Man with microphone on street CMS People listening to speaker INT CMS Antonio Modeir...
POLITICS / Collor de Mello impeachment; ITN BRAZIL: INT CMS Senator Fernando Cardoso (Social Democratic Party) intvwd SOF - The President's position is desperate now and he has no support / everybody knows he is guilty Sao Paolo: EXT GV City skyline PAN L-R MS Pedestrians across zebra crossing GV Front entrance to "Citibank" INT MS Dealers in Stock Exchange up escalator towards and past LMS People in opulent restaurant as fountain plays in f/g MS People in restaurant as food served EXT LMS Goats on hill overlooking city MS Man on horse drawn cart along street towards and past PAN R-L BV Ditto LMS People sweeping dingy street LMS Young boy carries bucket along dirty street towards CMS People standing in dirty street with baby CMS Small child in dirty street CS Man's hands washing clothes in bucket in street CMS SIDE Clothes being washed in bucket TMS Small boy on tricycle along street towards PULL OUT MS Group of men playing pool on table on sidewalk CS Man makes shot on pool table CS Notes being counted INT CMS SIDE Customer in shop handing over money ZOOM IN MS Luis Antonio Fleury (Governor, Sao Paolo) along chatting to another (not heard) TRACK BACK and PAN L-R CMS Luis Antonio Fleury (Governor, Sao Paolo) intvwd SOF (translated) - Inflation and unemployment are rising and the country may not be governable if this goes on / the Pres should resign for the sake of the country 2 SHOT Sao Paolo: CMS Female workers in electronic parts factory LMS Workers on production line ELEVATE CS Electronic parts on production line along PULL FOCUS as cap put on part CMS Woman on production line CMS SIDE People working on production line TMS Women working on line TRACK L-R EXT MS Workers out of factory along street towards CMS Leaflets distributed to workers MS Workers being addressed by man with microphone on street (not heard) CMS Man with microphone on street CMS People listening to speaker INT CMS Antonio Modeir...



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