Cuban refugee crisis
Cuban refugee crisis; ITN
USA: Florida: Miami:
LA SIDE Cuban refugees off boat and down gangway R-L PULL OUT as towards along quay
MS Cubans towards
MS SIDE boat L-R with Cubans sitting on deck
CS SIDE little girl drinking from paper cup
CMS SIDE coastguard official as hand filling plastic cup from container PAN R-L as handed out
CMS Little boy holding up tiny puppy PULL OUT Cubans in life jackets sitting in inflatable boat
CMS Wheel of tractor past R-L followed by tailer with remains of flimsy boat PULL OUT as past R-L
CMS Vox Pops locals SOT
MS Man on other side of wire fence speaking to Cubans asking after missing relatives
BV Cubans as man on other side ditto and holding up piece of paper
MS More ditto
CMS Nicholson i/c + sign off
TX 19.8.94/NAT