Egypt/Israel war: day 7

Egypt/Israel war: day 7; ***ALSO AVAILABLE AS AS110667001*** EGYPT: Suez Canal: TS Israeli soldier into water of Suez Canal for first time in years CS Stoops and splashes - pan to more on rocks - pull out MS Pan along Canal and Farridon Railway bridge to Alan Hart I/C SOF: "I am standing on the Farridon Railway six hours". Sinia: BV Two Israeli jeeps along road to Suez Track Desert R-L Track Ditto passed wreckage - Israeli guns with white rings seen TS Alan Hart pushing ITN car which is towed to BV by Israeli jeep Track Passed tanks R-L MS Smashed Egyptian lorry CS Ditto - Pan ???? writing on lorry Track Passed wrecked rocket trailer R-L MS Lorry abandoned in sand MS Tanker lorry abandoned in sand CMS Ditto - smoking TS Pan three dead bodies R-L in sand (Nationality Unknown) TS Body - pan to tank on side of road MS Israeli tank R-L and stopped by Israeli MS Tilt down tank and crew - pan to Egyptian prisoners sitting on side of road MS Tank gun ??? CS Tyres - ditto Track Passed wrecked vehicles with underneath of Chassis showing Track Through Israeli convoy on both sides of road MS/Side Alan Hart R-L on top of Israeli vehicle Track Towards and passed wrecked vehicles on both sides of road: (Not sure of Egyptian) MS Pan Israeli wrecked lorry to Armoured car MS Wrecked armoured car MS Wrecked vehicles and soldiers look BV Soldier - pan to lorry - pan back to soldier LS Israeli soldiers in open desert after snippers pan L-R MS Egyptian prisoners give up and made to sit on ground CMS Prisoners given water - two raise arms Suez Canal: Angle View Gun muzzle - Canal in BG LA Bank of the Canal LS View across canal of Egyptian position? MS Shipping Signal station on canal MS Shot across Canal CU Israeli Colonel...
Egypt/Israel war: day 7; ***ALSO AVAILABLE AS AS110667001*** EGYPT: Suez Canal: TS Israeli soldier into water of Suez Canal for first time in years CS Stoops and splashes - pan to more on rocks - pull out MS Pan along Canal and Farridon Railway bridge to Alan Hart I/C SOF: "I am standing on the Farridon Railway six hours". Sinia: BV Two Israeli jeeps along road to Suez Track Desert R-L Track Ditto passed wreckage - Israeli guns with white rings seen TS Alan Hart pushing ITN car which is towed to BV by Israeli jeep Track Passed tanks R-L MS Smashed Egyptian lorry CS Ditto - Pan ???? writing on lorry Track Passed wrecked rocket trailer R-L MS Lorry abandoned in sand MS Tanker lorry abandoned in sand CMS Ditto - smoking TS Pan three dead bodies R-L in sand (Nationality Unknown) TS Body - pan to tank on side of road MS Israeli tank R-L and stopped by Israeli MS Tilt down tank and crew - pan to Egyptian prisoners sitting on side of road MS Tank gun ??? CS Tyres - ditto Track Passed wrecked vehicles with underneath of Chassis showing Track Through Israeli convoy on both sides of road MS/Side Alan Hart R-L on top of Israeli vehicle Track Towards and passed wrecked vehicles on both sides of road: (Not sure of Egyptian) MS Pan Israeli wrecked lorry to Armoured car MS Wrecked armoured car MS Wrecked vehicles and soldiers look BV Soldier - pan to lorry - pan back to soldier LS Israeli soldiers in open desert after snippers pan L-R MS Egyptian prisoners give up and made to sit on ground CMS Prisoners given water - two raise arms Suez Canal: Angle View Gun muzzle - Canal in BG LA Bank of the Canal LS View across canal of Egyptian position? MS Shipping Signal station on canal MS Shot across Canal CU Israeli Colonel...



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