RUSHES: General Election 2024: Conservative manifesto launch: Rachel Reeves reaction speech

General Election 2024: Conservative manifesto launch: Rachel Reeves reaction speech; Part 6 of 6 ENGLAND: INT Rachel Reeves (Shadow Chancellor) taking questions from press SOT Q: (Jim Pickard - Financial Times) IN AN INTERVIEW WITH THE TELEGRAPH LAST YEAR YOU TOLD THEM YOU WERE RULING OUT WEALTH TAXES / DID THEY MISQUOTE YOU OR HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND SINCE THEN- - (Interrupts) No I haven't changed my mind, because as I've already said, we have no plans to increase CGT, I do not want to increase taxes, I want taxes to be lower / I want to grow the economy so we have money for public services, so living standards improve and so we can keep the tax burden as low as possible / my focus is not on tax and spend, it's on what is needed to grow the economy Q: (Jim Pickard - Financial Times) THE ONLY OTHER QUESTION, THE 4800 MORTGAGE HIT FIGURE SEEMS TO COME FROM YOUR 71 BILLION POUNDS OF UNFUNDED PROMISES CLAIM AGAINST THE TORIES / BUT THEY SAY MOST OF THAT COMES FROM YOU CLAIMING THAT THEY'LL SCRAP NICS AND INHERITANCE TAX, NEITHER OF WHICH ARE THEIR POLICIES - Well they're not in there / neither of those are in those costings, we've taken a very conservative view, we've only taken what's actually in their manifesto / we've only put down ten billion pounds on NICS from the 2p cut and two point six billion pounds from getting rid of self employed NICS / we could have added another 36 billion pounds because they say in their manifesto they want to get rid of National Insurance altogether / but we've only included the things they've absolutely committed to / we haven't put inheritance tax in there either despite the fact the Chancellor said that he wanted to get rid of inheritance tax / we've not included those things; these numbers of 71 billion pounds only comes from things that are in their manifesto / thank you very much.
General Election 2024: Conservative manifesto launch: Rachel Reeves reaction speech; Part 6 of 6 ENGLAND: INT Rachel Reeves (Shadow Chancellor) taking questions from press SOT Q: (Jim Pickard - Financial Times) IN AN INTERVIEW WITH THE TELEGRAPH LAST YEAR YOU TOLD THEM YOU WERE RULING OUT WEALTH TAXES / DID THEY MISQUOTE YOU OR HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND SINCE THEN- - (Interrupts) No I haven't changed my mind, because as I've already said, we have no plans to increase CGT, I do not want to increase taxes, I want taxes to be lower / I want to grow the economy so we have money for public services, so living standards improve and so we can keep the tax burden as low as possible / my focus is not on tax and spend, it's on what is needed to grow the economy Q: (Jim Pickard - Financial Times) THE ONLY OTHER QUESTION, THE 4800 MORTGAGE HIT FIGURE SEEMS TO COME FROM YOUR 71 BILLION POUNDS OF UNFUNDED PROMISES CLAIM AGAINST THE TORIES / BUT THEY SAY MOST OF THAT COMES FROM YOU CLAIMING THAT THEY'LL SCRAP NICS AND INHERITANCE TAX, NEITHER OF WHICH ARE THEIR POLICIES - Well they're not in there / neither of those are in those costings, we've taken a very conservative view, we've only taken what's actually in their manifesto / we've only put down ten billion pounds on NICS from the 2p cut and two point six billion pounds from getting rid of self employed NICS / we could have added another 36 billion pounds because they say in their manifesto they want to get rid of National Insurance altogether / but we've only included the things they've absolutely committed to / we haven't put inheritance tax in there either despite the fact the Chancellor said that he wanted to get rid of inheritance tax / we've not included those things; these numbers of 71 billion pounds only comes from things that are in their manifesto / thank you very much.



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