India-Pakistan war: India opens second front

India-Pakistan war: India opens second front; b) INDIA: Akhnur [Akhnoor] area: EXT @MS Gun fires seen through trees @MS AA type gun fires BV Man fires TILT plane R-L @G/A Plane R-L: MIG of Indian Air Force @MS Soldiers run R-L to trees @BV Gun fired from truck @MS Stretcher carried L-R and towards: made from bed: pall of black smoke in b/g @TS Injured man carried R-L @G/A Plane R-L: MIG of Indian Air Force LS Explosion behind trees MS Lead bullock by roadside: TILT up road MS Wrecked tanks by river: trees in b/g TS Body smashed to pulp MS PAN wrecked gun and lorry to another MS Wrecked lorry MS Wrecked gun and lorry: TRACK away BV Gun away (covered) BV Trucks along: painted to give camouflage effect TRACK SHOT: Past convoy of lorries MS Gun on trailer pulled by lorry L-R MS Caterpillar tread lorry pulls covered gun R-L to BV along very dusty road MS Lorry R-L through trees with gun AV Caterpillar tread in...................... past MS Gun and troops on armoured car past to BNV TRACK SHOT past peasants trudging along TRACK SHOT along at speed: ruts in road MS Children run towards in village MS People waving: PAN one youngster salutes in village MS Troops in convoy drink water given to them by villagers MS Soldiers lean out: shake villagers TMS People stand PAN right as BV lorry away TRACK Past tank at roadside ? MS Ruins: PAN left to more bomb damage MS More: ruined house: chair in midst of rubble MS TILT up rubble to building MS Wrecked building: PAN Right to wall and more MS People dig air-raid trenches POS 16mm ITN(Page) 2.43 mins 102 ft 8.9.65 / 8.55 pm Also dupe and Print....some stress marks Opt & Mag tracks: @ Synd: ROY: 31.12.65
India-Pakistan war: India opens second front; b) INDIA: Akhnur [Akhnoor] area: EXT @MS Gun fires seen through trees @MS AA type gun fires BV Man fires TILT plane R-L @G/A Plane R-L: MIG of Indian Air Force @MS Soldiers run R-L to trees @BV Gun fired from truck @MS Stretcher carried L-R and towards: made from bed: pall of black smoke in b/g @TS Injured man carried R-L @G/A Plane R-L: MIG of Indian Air Force LS Explosion behind trees MS Lead bullock by roadside: TILT up road MS Wrecked tanks by river: trees in b/g TS Body smashed to pulp MS PAN wrecked gun and lorry to another MS Wrecked lorry MS Wrecked gun and lorry: TRACK away BV Gun away (covered) BV Trucks along: painted to give camouflage effect TRACK SHOT: Past convoy of lorries MS Gun on trailer pulled by lorry L-R MS Caterpillar tread lorry pulls covered gun R-L to BV along very dusty road MS Lorry R-L through trees with gun AV Caterpillar tread in...................... past MS Gun and troops on armoured car past to BNV TRACK SHOT past peasants trudging along TRACK SHOT along at speed: ruts in road MS Children run towards in village MS People waving: PAN one youngster salutes in village MS Troops in convoy drink water given to them by villagers MS Soldiers lean out: shake villagers TMS People stand PAN right as BV lorry away TRACK Past tank at roadside ? MS Ruins: PAN left to more bomb damage MS More: ruined house: chair in midst of rubble MS TILT up rubble to building MS Wrecked building: PAN Right to wall and more MS People dig air-raid trenches POS 16mm ITN(Page) 2.43 mins 102 ft 8.9.65 / 8.55 pm Also dupe and Print....some stress marks Opt & Mag tracks: @ Synd: ROY: 31.12.65



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