Spain: Royal Wedding: Prince Felippe marries Letizia Ortiz:

SPAIN: Madrid: EXT Letizia Ortiz (Former television presenter) in car along to wedding as rains TGV Crowd beneath umbrellas INT TS Guests in Cathedral TGV Guests along aisle EXT TGV Cathedral with red carpet outside SIDE Guests up steps to Cathedral GV Nelson Mandela (Former South African President) and wife along Various guests arriving GV Prince Charles, Prince of Wales waving as arrives at wedding INT Prince Felipe waiting at altar CMS Felipe Pageboys and flower girls up aisle followed by Letizia Ortiz and father LMS Ortiz towards up aisle with father PAN TLBV Wedding SIDE CMS Ortiz and Felipe at altar LS Wedding ceremony GVs Couple exchanging vows (3 SHOTS) SEQ Felipe forgetting words as pours 500 year old gold coins into hands of bride (to symbolise possessions they will share) TGV Orchestra playing Royal couple kissing (2 SHOTS) People watching on giant screen clapping BV Men draped in Spanish flag watching ceremony on screen Ortiz waving from open topped car Prince Felipe and wife waving from car Car along flanked by motorcycle escorts AIR VIEW Convoy Memorial to victims of Madrid train bomb PAN as royal convoy past LMS Prince Felipe and Ortiz waving from balcony Crowd clapping GVs Couple embracing (2 SHOTS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clean Feed Tape = D0627772 00:15:00:00 - 00:17:33:00 FX/Mix Clean Feed Tape = D0627773 00:15:00:00 - 00:17:33:00 FX/Mix Programme as Broadcast Tape = D0627771 Order Ref: T22050462
SPAIN: Madrid: EXT Letizia Ortiz (Former television presenter) in car along to wedding as rains TGV Crowd beneath umbrellas INT TS Guests in Cathedral TGV Guests along aisle EXT TGV Cathedral with red carpet outside SIDE Guests up steps to Cathedral GV Nelson Mandela (Former South African President) and wife along Various guests arriving GV Prince Charles, Prince of Wales waving as arrives at wedding INT Prince Felipe waiting at altar CMS Felipe Pageboys and flower girls up aisle followed by Letizia Ortiz and father LMS Ortiz towards up aisle with father PAN TLBV Wedding SIDE CMS Ortiz and Felipe at altar LS Wedding ceremony GVs Couple exchanging vows (3 SHOTS) SEQ Felipe forgetting words as pours 500 year old gold coins into hands of bride (to symbolise possessions they will share) TGV Orchestra playing Royal couple kissing (2 SHOTS) People watching on giant screen clapping BV Men draped in Spanish flag watching ceremony on screen Ortiz waving from open topped car Prince Felipe and wife waving from car Car along flanked by motorcycle escorts AIR VIEW Convoy Memorial to victims of Madrid train bomb PAN as royal convoy past LMS Prince Felipe and Ortiz waving from balcony Crowd clapping GVs Couple embracing (2 SHOTS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clean Feed Tape = D0627772 00:15:00:00 - 00:17:33:00 FX/Mix Clean Feed Tape = D0627773 00:15:00:00 - 00:17:33:00 FX/Mix Programme as Broadcast Tape = D0627771 Order Ref: T22050462



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