Three-dimensional visualization of a digital X-ray of the human chest. In the area of the human lungs, a red color pulsates, indicating a health problem in the human pulmonary system. The concept of lung health, colds and viral diseases. - 4K 影片檔
Three-dimensional visualization of a digital X-ray of the human chest. In the area of the human lungs, the red color pulsates, meaning pain, as well as health problems in the human pulmonary system. The concept of detecting problems with the lungs and respiratory tract, colds and viral diseases. Advertising of vitamins, medicines for cough.
- 肺,
- 肺癌,
- 呼吸法,
- 氣喘的,
- 傷風和感冒,
- 吸氣,
- 呼吸系統,
- 肺炎,
- 人體,
- 體檢,
- 炎症,
- 結核菌,
- 呼吸,
- 病毒,
- 人體構造,
- 立體,
- 3D 動畫,
- 慢性阻塞性肺病,
- 動畫,
- 橫隔膜,
- 健保和醫療,
- 藥,
- 痛苦,
- 呼氣,
- 數碼製圖,
- 囊狀纖維化症,
- 肺氣腫,
- 人體部分,
- 解剖公仔,
- 人體肺部,
- 支氣管 - 支氣管樹,
- 肺炎的細菌,
- 裡面,
- 風濕病,
- 人類骨架,
- 止咳藥,
- 肺泡,
- 電腦圖形,
- 3D Scanning,
- 不舒服的,
- 人類內臟,
- 人類氣管,
- 人類脊椎,
- 人體骨骼,
- 各種病症,
- 咽頭,
- 喉頭,
- 四K 解析度,
- 支氣管炎,
- 數碼動畫,
- 椎間盤,
- 橫向,
- 生活方式,
- 生物醫學圖解,
- 細支氣管,
- 膠片 - 移動圖像,
- 芬蘭,
- 身體損傷,
- 醫學掃描,
- 關節炎,
- 非在美國拍攝,
- 高清電視 - 影像的技術,