a person is on their phone outside under the glow of the street lights enlarging and minimizing directions. - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:16
close-up hands photographing landscape through smart phone during sunset while traveling in train - swakopmund, namibia - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:06
woman using her mobile smart phone to take photos and videos in city shibuya tokyo at night - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:05
four girls take silly selfie with smartphone and laugh on pedestrian bridge with downtown austin in background. - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:10
ms shot of two women are taking pictures in cafã© with using smartphone / kyoto, japan - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:17
cu. a millennial mixed race hipster woman leans against a railing and types a text message on her iphone - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:20
man holding and using on smart phone with bokeh circle light of traffic background - 圖像訊息 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:14