incredible group of starlings flying low group together and split before roosting - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:35
ms ts flock of starlings displaying murmuration against sunset sky / judea, israel - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:22
common starling (sturnus vulgaris) feeds on apple in garden, glasgow, scotland - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:12
starling (sturnus vulgaris) flock flies over reed bed at sunset, anglesey, wales - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:29
ms slo mo common starling (sturnus vulgaris) adults fighting in flight / vieux pont, normandy, france - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:42
beautiful murmuration of starlings was recorded swooping above a lake in county tipperary, ireland, as the sun set on january 1. michael molamphy,... - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像02:38
starling (sturnus vulgaris) flock flies over reed bed at sunset, anglesey, wales - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:27
ms slo mo common starling (sturnus vulgaris) adults leaping on branch of tree / vieux pont, normandy, france - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:19
flock of starlings (family sturnidae) roosting in tree, all taking off and flying simultaneously, israel - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:10
starling (sturnus vulgaris) flock flies over reed bed at sunset, anglesey, wales - 紫翅椋鳥 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:12