close up green parrot standing on tree branch / looking at camera and yawning / sarchi, costa rica - 鸚鵡 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:24
red-browed parrot (amazona rhodocorytha) grooming and grooming its plumage in the rainforest. cleaning its beak after feeding in the soft sunlight in the forest. - 鸚鵡 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:33
scarlet and two hybrid macaws flight right, land in trees, slow motion, costa rica - 鸚鵡 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:12
baby african grey parrot looking at the working oven at home amid the 2020 global pandemic of covid-19 virus - 鸚鵡 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:21