pan female chimpanzee knuckle walking across clearing with baby riding on her - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:17
view of male chimpanzees fighting for higher rank in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:10
cu, zo, chimpanzee using rock to open palm nuts, gombe national park, tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:22
pan with female chimpanzee knuckle walking across clearing with baby riding on her back - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:06
ms female chimpanzee probing tree trunk with a big stick zo as she changes position - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:26
view of chimpanzees in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:03
tu with young chimpanzee play fighting with female in tree on edge of forest with mother suckling in foreground - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:09
cu male chimpanzee sitting and looking up into trees with canine teeth showing - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:08
view of an angry male chimpanzee in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:08
ms pan with male chimpanzee walking bipedally then running across forest clearing - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:17
ws, pan, four chimps (pan troglodytes) walking through forest, gombe stream national park, tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:34
view of a baby chimpanzee and one's mother chimpanzee in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:31
view of a walking male chimpanzee in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:04
ms, chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) running and swinging on branch in forest, gombe stream national park, tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:05
view of a male chimpanzee eating a lemon in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:04
chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) dislodges galago from tree stump with stick, senegal - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:30
ms pan with male chimpanzee knuckle walking in clearing with fruit in his mouth - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:09
ms zi chimpanzee screaming in cage / ngamba chimp sanctuary, ngamba island, uganda - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:26
view of chimpanzee in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:12
view of a female chimpanzee approaching a male chimpanzee in manyara national park (famous spot for study about chimpanzees) in tanzania - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:11
ms male and female chimpanzees lying on tree branch holding hands with baby climbing around comically - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:30
ms pan male chimpanzee knuckle walking across clearing with termite fishing twig in his mouth - 黑猩猩屬 個影片檔及 b 捲影像00:13